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Welcome to the Redbex Reference Manual. Redbex is a software system that brings extensive functionality and has huge potential for enhancing and optimizing the way you store mange and evaluate data resulting from the observation of natural phenomena. Designed from scratch to be a generic and flexible solution for many real world sensor data management problems, Redbex builds on universal concepts, standards and work flows that allow to use the product in many different application areas.

This Reference Manual is a detailed reference for Redbex. It provides insight on how Redbex works and what functionality it provides to the user. This manual will give you all the information you need to unleash the full power of Redbex and to use the software it in an effective and creative way.

The price of the generic approach and the flexibility of Redbex is, that to use the product to its full potential, you should have at least basic knowledge of the fundamental concepts. Therefore this Reference Manual provides deep insights and contains information for first time users as well as power users and system administrators.

This Reference Manual was published on 2022-04-06 13:14.  The contents of this Reference Manual are constantly updated and refer to the latest version Redbex. To get the latest version or other formats of this Reference Manual visit  

Figure 1: Redbex provides mighty tools for expert data analysis. This is a screenshot of the Redbex Smart Client showing a contour line map of the ground water table.

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