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Lantmäteriet (Areas / Lots / Buildings)

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This import type reads areas, lots and buildings from a GSD-Property Map database of the Swedish Lantmäteriet Organization and transforms them to features of type Landregister Area, <%TARGETTITLE%>, %Text% features. The features will be related to each other using platform relations according to the information found in the source database.

Additionally to creating new features an updating existing features, this import type will also modify features in Redbex that are not found in the GSD database. On those features the import will set the Obsolete property in the type specific data of the feature.

The import is always performed with a geographic filter, i.e. only those objects in the GSD-Property Map database will be handled by the import that fall within the provided filter-geometry and only those features in Redbex will be compared that fall within the provided filter-geometry.

Table 2 shows how the terms used in Lantmäteriet are translated to English in Redbex.




Coordinate system


The coordinate system that is expected in the source database. Lantmäteriet uses EPSG 3006 as default. So you should have a matching projected coordinate system set up and select this coordinate system here.

Import region


Defines the region that defines which data will be imported from the GSD-Property map database and the import features in Redbex that will be used for matching during import

Block creation strategy

Defines how the importer shall form areas out of the provided lots.

Alias scheme for old building names


The old names of buildings that the importer renamed because the building could be matched by geometry will be kept as an alias in this scheme.

Advanced settings

Create classification elements

If set, the import will try to create missing classification element. Elements can only be created if the importing user has the appropriate permissions.

Geometry match for buildings

If set, the matching of buildings found in the GSD-Property Map database to already existing features of type TMO building will be done by name and  - if no name match is found - by  geometry. In this case a feature is a match if it's geometry matches more than 90% (i.e. if the Area of the intersection of the geometries is more than 90% of the area of the geometry in the GSD database).

This option only needs to be turned on if there are already features of type TMO building in Redbex that were imported from another source or created manually.

Table 1: Type specific import settings in group General for this import type.

English term

Swedish term















Table 2: Translation of terms used in the Lantmäteriet import

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