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Property structures

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Property structures (PS) are templates for data structures that are used to store data for features and sensors that is specific to the feature type or senor type. Table 1 lists the places where property structures are used.

When a PS is used to store data for a specific object, the Application Server creates a property structure instance (PSI) and fills that instance with data.

Property structure usage


Feature types, type specific feature data

Defines the type specific data that can be stored along with each feature of a specific feature type.

This property structure is called the Feature PS.

Feature types, Type specific observation data

Defines the type specific data that can be stored along with each observation in a feature of a specific feature type.

This property structure is called the Observation PS.

Sensor types, type specific sensor data

Defines the type specific data that can be stored along with each sensor of a specific type.

This property structure is called the Sensor PS

Sensor types, extended chronological

Defines the type specific data that can be stored along with each chronological sensor configuration of a sensor of a specific type.

This property structure is called the Chronological sensor PS.

Sensor types, extended observation configuration

Defines the type specific data that can be stored along with each observation that uses a sensor of that specific type.

This property structure is called the Sensor observation PS.

Table 1: Areas where property structures are used

While there is some data that is common to all features, sensors, observations etc., property structures are used to store the data that is specific to a specific feature type, sensor type etc.

Property structures cannot be defined or changed by the user but are distributed as part of feature types, sensor types etc, however there are numerous possibilities to configure property structures.

For the technically inclined: a property structure is a dynamic data structure used to store data efficiently without changing the underlying database structures. This allows for distribution of new feature types or sensor types without having to update the database or the Application Server.

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