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Feature type class

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There are several different classes of feature types, each feature type is always associated with one specific feature type class, Table 1 gives an overview of these classes.

If a feature is of a feature type that is of a specific class we say that the feature is a feature of this class. A feature that is of a specific class is referred to as <Class> feature. E.g. A feature that is of a feature type that is of feature type class class platform is referred to as a platform feature.

Feature type class



Regular feature types with no special functionality.


Group features can contain other features. A feature can be contained in any number of groups. The feature type of the group feature can restrict the feature types it can contain and the number of features of each type that can be contained..


Platform features can contain other features. A feature can be contained in only one platform feature. The feature type of the platform feature can restrict the feature types it can contain and the number of features of each type that can be contained.

Localization of the contained features will be independent of the platform feature.

Table 1: Feature type classes

The general term for group features and platform features is container feature.

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