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Store source files

If enabled the source files that were imported with each import session created from this import definition, will be stored on the Application Server and linked to the import session. This option gives you the possibility to store the original data files along with your import session.

Default: false

True value text

If the string in a cell that is treated as Boolean cell equals this text, the value in this cell is treated as Boolean True. All other strings will be treated as false.

This comparison is done is case sensitive on the trimmed (see table 1) value of a cell.

Null value

If the string in a cell matches this string the Application Server will treat this cell as Null.

This comparison is done is case sensitive.

Column separator

This specifies the character used in the source files to delimit columns. You can choose from a list of predefined characters.

Merge multiple separators

If this flag is not set one column separator character advices the Application Server to skip to the next column. If this flag is set, consecutive column separator characters will be treated as a single separator character.

Number of header lines

This defines the number of lines from in the beginning of the file that are treated as header lines and will therefore not be parsed.

Comment designator

If a line in the source file starts with this text, it is treated as comment line, i.e. it will not be parsed by the import.

Column mapping

This setting allows you to define the column mapping, i.e. the association of columns in the source file with specific properties of the feature or observation to be imported.

See Column mapping for more details


Settings that are used to handle localized data.

Date time format

The pattern that is used to parse date time values given as string in the source files. See Date-time formatting for more information on date time patterns. Note that the Culture setting (see below) will also used for the interpretation of the date time pattern defined here.


The culture used for parsing date time values (see also above), numeric values etc.

Table 1: Import type specific settings

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