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The Application Server provides several presentation types to present data of features, observations or other elements managed by the Application Server. E.g. charts, maps view, reports etc.

Presentations of any type are generated based on a presentation definition that specifies layout and data shown in the presentation. The user can configure the presentation definition as needed.

When a presentation definition is executed the Application Server will usually create a client-independent meta format for the presentation and the client (like the Smart Client) will then render a visual presentation from this meta format. I.e. different clients might render the data in slightly different ways depending on the possibilities the client provides. Fore example a chart might look different in a mobile client than in the Smart Client.

Not that whenever a presentation definition is executed the Application Server will check if the user who executes has the appropriate permissions to read the data from the features that are used in this presentation definition. Only data for which the user has these permissions will be shown in the presentation.

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