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Directory environment

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Below you find an (incomplete) listing of directories used by the Smart Client. All of these directories are based on Windows special folders or on Windows environment variables, so the actual path of those directories depends on the configuration of your windows environment.

Application directory

<ProgramFiles>\Redbex\Smart Client\

All executable files some configuration files and and accompanying directories are installed here. <ProgramFiles> is a Windows special folder that is usually points to something like C:\Program Files. The Windows environment variable %ProgramFiles% can be evaluated to show the location of this special folder. Type echo %ProgramFiles% in a console window.

Common Application Data directory

<CommonApplicationData>\Redbex\Smart Client\

Folder is used for all data that is specific to one computer but available for all users. Examples are the files for Smart Client common settings, and Application Server Connections

Roaming application data directory

<ApplicationData>\Redbex\Smart Client\

Windows user specific data persisted by the Smart Client across sessions. <ApplicationData> is a Windows special folder that usually points to something like C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming. The Windows environment variable %AppData% can be evaluated to show the location of this special folder. Type echo %AppData% in a console window.

The <ApplicationData> directory serves as a common repository for application-specific data for the current roaming user. Data in this directory is copied between machines when roaming profiles are enabled (in a Windows domain environment).

Local application data directory

<LocalApplicationData>\Redbex\Smart Client\

This folder is used by the Smart Client for Windows user specific data that shall be persisted across sessions but shall not be copied between machines in a Windows domain environment. <LocalApplicationData> is a Windows special folder that usually points to something like C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local.

Log files directory

<Local application data directory>\Logs\

This sub folder of the local application data directory is used by the Smart Client for storing log data. On startup The Smart Client will automatically delete log files in this folder that older than 10 days.

Downloads directory

<Local application data directory>\Downloads

This folder is used by the Smart Client to store files downloaded from the Application Server. On startup the Smart Client will delete all files from this directory.

Temporary directory

<TemporaryDirectory>\Redbex\Smart Client\

During execution the Smart Client needs a place where it stores data temporarily. This data is stored in the temporary directory. <TemporaryDirectory> is evaluated by checking the existence of environment variables in the following order and using the first path found:

1.The path specified by the TMP environment variable.

2.The path specified by the TEMP environment variable.

3.The path specified by the USERPROFILE environment variable.

4.The Windows directory.

Type SET in a console window to show all of the defined environment variables.

On startup The Smart Client will automatically delete log files in this directory that older than 2 days.

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