Database Version:
Application Server Version: 1.48.17216.*
Smart Client Version: 1.48.17216.*
(Picture by Didier Descouens (Own work) CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
- Enhanced TMO import
- Message forwarding rules
- Combined Twilio & SMPP into one medium
- Global message forward rules
- Additional filtering possibilities (different string pattern matching, subject/body filter, source context filter)
- Performance improvements
- Messaging: Source context for messages
- Smart Client: Messaging: Create message window layout changed
- Application Server: User AD-Synchronization: New option to keep local users (and not deactivate them)
- Deleting features that are member of a view.
- Application Server: Deleting feature: Performance enhancements when deleting huge amounts of features.
- Smart Client: Toast notifications: Notifications now appear in the right upper edge of the application window, auothide after 12s, or stay if hovered.
- Queying approval workflows for view: Performance and stability improvements
- Adding default classifications to all classificaitons in a domain
- Map view: Legend for layer observations of feature can now show the layer name
- Smart Client: Window management: Active windows dropdown & scroll buttons
- Property structures: Initial sequence for properties is now deployed
- Smart Client: Feature type editor: Changed layout and show more information about hte feature type.
- Smart Client: Alarms: Option to add feature that caused an alarm to current selection
Bug Fixes
- DEM: Cache failed to update when new DEM was imported.
- Smart Client: Info area tool tips were not showing
- Applicaiton Server: Export: Features&Observations XLSX problems with decimal separator, boolean and date time values fixed.
- Smart Client: Feature creation: Spatial data now not available if feature has spatial support on observations.
- Smart Client: Charting: Datapoint text on hover was not showing, context menu was not working