Reference manual formats

You can find the Redbex Reference manual online at Below you can download the same manual in other formats:

Download PDF
Download CHM


Redbex has full support for different languages and cultures. This document summarizes the characteristics of different cultures (date formats, number formats etc.) that you can use in Redbex.

Download Cultures PDF

EPSG Coordinate systems

Redbex supports nearly any projected coordinate system to specify the real-world location of features and observations. This document describes projected coordinate systems registred with the EPSG.

Download Coordinate Systems PDF


Interlab is a file format for the transfer of analytical data between database systems, e.g. from water and food laboratories to other database systems. This document is the official documentation for this file format. Redbex Supports Interlab version 4.0 to import data.

Download Interlab Specification

GVR Format

GVR is a text based file format for transferring ground water data between database systems and tools for data presentation.
Download GVR Specification

Redbex Font

The Redex font is used by Redbex when rendering Maps, CAD drawings and Charts. It is included in all Redbex setup programs and can additionally be downloaded freely from here.

Download Redbex Font