Database Version:
Application Server Version: 1.57.18058.3
Smart Client Version: 1.57.18022.3
MappRover Version: 0.15.4
Image: By Joefrei (Own work) . CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Maintenance Release 1 (2018-03-15)
Database Version:
Application Server Version: 1.57.18066.1
Smart Client Version: 1.57.18067.1
MappRover Version: 0.15.4
Application Server
- Fixed Problem with transforming geometries caused Application Server crash
- Fixed Application Server Crash when transforming geometries
Smart Client
- Fixed: Map view: Shape files not showing
- Fixed: Map view: Shape files crash on download
- Fixed: Approve with comment did not work
Base Release (2018-01-26)
Database Version:
Application Server Version: 1.57.18022.3
Smart Client Version: 1.57.18022.3
MappRover Version: 0.15.4
Application Server
- CAD Map: Rendering for axis, Mapping template, Mapping events
- Import: Add featuers created or updated by the import to defined group features
- Approval could be started twice for same set of observations
- Map View: Some geometries failed to transform
- Concurrency bug in importer
Smart Client
- Container memebership window: Separate window to display container memberships
- Downloads window: Open PDFs with associated Windows application
- My Approvals window: Open feature without observation filter
- My Approvals window: Add feature to selection
- Feature Directive: Shows number of affected features
- Feature Explorer: Limit for number of displayed container memebes
- Handling of Projectwise (pw://) URIs
- Feature Editor: Ordering of observations did not follow Smart Client Setting
- Map View: Contents dissapear on zool levels > 20
- File Depot: File size shown as zero bytes after uploading
- Feature Editor: Observation ordering sometimes wrong
Modular updates
no changes
- Reworked synchronization
- Log format changed, enabled offline logging
- Client / Server time compensation
- Missing pattern fillings
Symbol key
Fixed software defect, New funcationality, Minor enhanement, improved funcationality, Removed funcationality, Breaking change or customer action needed.