Latest versions in this release branch:
Database Version: 1.36.0
Application Server Version:
Smart Client Version:
MappRover Version: 0.18.4
By Jana (Jayleane) ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Application Server
- When importing generic with WGS84 Long and Lat are switched
- Import log does not give a proper error message for wrong classification
- GVR import/export doesn’t handle carriage feed (return) in “Lägesbeskrivning”
- Import to sub feature types
- Export of observations doesn’t include units
- MappRover not reading sequence order in Observation PSC
- Import WKT with generic import
- Header image is not optional for MappRover report
- Z coordinate not being created in export
- Reporting: Split by feature: Error on second feature
- Can’t export in-situ with temperature
- Error directly when logging in to the system
- Need to close the client with windows tool when no permission assigned for new user
- View explorer – filter term “features in group” doesn’t work with filter term “specific feature”
- New user tried to change password but system throws newuser not found
- Import for feature type Group – create member features but failed to link those newly created feature to the group container
- When using \ to empty grouping template path, when changing in two languages the template cant be opened
- MappRover not reading sequence order in Observation PSC
- Import spatial data to observations on blast feature
- Several bug fixes on HASP Import
Application Server Database
No changes
Smart Client
- Feature observation – adding multilple observation and then deleting one before saving, removes all observations
- When using \ to empty grouping template path, when changing in two languages the template cant be opened
- Not possible to select more then one user when drag&drop
- Feature type selector: Cursor to the textbox when ever opened
- Not possible to drag “bar” up and down for “users and usergroups”
- Feature observation – adding multilple observation and then deleting one before saving, removes all observations
- Not possible to assign a user to a group
- Strange result when seraching with “Search winin View”
- No information when hovering on Tabular observation property structure collection
- Error message after directly when logging in to the system
- Login: When changing the saved user name and/or password on a connection on login it shall show the save password aka update password checkbox
Modular updates
- Weakness zones No midpoint needed for polygons
- First version of mapprover report
- First version of mapprover cad output
- Polygon from axis It is not possible to type in decimals, which is sometimes needed
- Missing the unit for “Uppskattat flöde”
- The help option/symbol is not implemented for all the mapping object attributes.
- Multiselect elements does not allow to clear or are not selected after closing and re-opening attribute window
- Bugfix: Allow de-select snap to grid option and draw prognosis options
- Weakness zones No midpoint needed for polygons
- Add wall type classification on Q system
- Add wall type classification on RMR system
- Add Numeric property “Chainage from” and “Chainage to” on Q system
- Add Numeric property “Chainage from” and “Chainage to” on Q system
- Many enhancement on mapprover ui
Symbol key
Fixed software defect, New funcationality, Minor enhanement, improved funcationality, Removed funcationality, Breaking change or customer action needed.