Latest versions in this release branch:

Database Version: 1.41.0
Application Server Version: 1.79.X.0
Smart Client Version: 1.79.X.0
MappRover Version: 0.21.10

© Andreas Trepte / CC BY-SA (

Application Server

  • [RST-2234] – Stored job definitions says last successful run, log says failed [MR 01]
  • [RST-2236] – Variable observationTags.Name could not be found [MR 01]
  • [RST-1965] – When a user is removed from an AD synch, the user is not removed from the groups
  • [RST-2017] – Display exception message as log?
  • [RST-2060] – Last successful execution time not updated when a follow up job
  • [RST-2074] – 2 level Slave Setting reload and clear selected items when no items in list
  • [RST-2082] – Private view won’t disappear
  • [RST-2098] – Checkboxes to disable Google Maps, Bing Maps, Open Street Maps
  • [RST-2099] – Feature directive triggers email to a removed recipient
  • [RST-2123] – When importing to server version 1.77.20 log file says “command failed”
  • [RST-2156] – Chart (Apply time filter) not resetting. Improved log and visible action log in chart
  • [RST-2159] – Redbex tries to use historic data even though it’s turned off
  • [RST-2165] – Log says observationer were calculated but no observations inserted
  • [RST-2168] – geological headingface docu: deleting second level property fails
  • [RST-2170] – lost row type of axis section drawing
  • [RST-2171] – Can’t export type specific data with date properties.
  • [RST-2172] – Display setting is affecting pie chart, not only labelling
  • [RST-2174] – Distribution chart crashes if the class values are null
  • [RST-2179] – No Pole Points in Sperical Projection Diagram in ReportNr. 0011
  • [RST-2180] – Chart template crashes while generating from report (only legend)
  • [RST-2188] – Müllerfähnchen – Error
  • [RST-2192] – generic import: erroneous behaviour
  • [RST-1988] – Axis section drawing error [MR 01]
  • [RST-2196] – First alias option in Lantmäteriet import is not used [MR 01]
  • [RST-2201] – null reference exception in DynamicSearch and OnAfterSaveFailed [MR 01]
  • [RST-2207] – dibit import skips some files randomly [MR 01]
  • [RST-2208] – Need to click twice to get view log [MR 01]
  • [RST-2209] – Unit not selected warning [MR 01]
  • [RST-2211] – water resource report is not working [MR 01]
  • [RST-2214] – LiquidPinObject throws object reference error while generating report [MR 01]
  • [RST-2215] – SQL Server Time out on v1.77 2020-09-10 [MR 01]
  • [RST-2217] – Users are not removed from group when user group is deleted [MR 01]
  • [RST-2226] – No legend in chart when creating report [MR 01]
  • [RST-2229] – AxisRepositioningCalculatorMode Implementation in Chart, Report and section drawing [MR 01]
  • [RST-1995] – Chart PI diagram Labels Font size to be configurable
  • [RST-1996] – Section drawing : Spherical projection improvement
  • [RST-1999] – Section drawing : Heading face extrapolation: Dip and dip direction as text along the line as Text
  • [RST-2001] – Export container feature base and type specific data
  • [RST-2021] – Data domain picker, Show data domain path in the tool tip
  • [RST-2033] – Show observation alarm severity custom text
  • [RST-2055] – Job viewer window gets pager control and uses the “ElementsPerPage” setting of smart client
  • [RST-2062] – FeatureService.GetFeatureLinkedPresentations
  • [RST-2102] – When aborting approval workflow…
  • [RST-2131] – Possibility to assign multiple Feature type privilege once
  • [RST-2132] – Service reminder possibiliy in redbex from admin to user
  • [RST-2169] – Section drawing: Observation property value type boolean is not shown
  • [RST-2189] – Pie Chart: Introducung new cubage type
  • [RST-2230] – Introduce actionlog on get historical data [MR 01]
  • [RST-1973] – Import and export data by matching GUID instead of feature name
  • [RST-1974] – Possibility to import and export multi-select attributes
  • [RST-2129] – Parameter to specify point size in spherical projection

Application Server Database

  • [RST-2139] – Create the missing indecis in redbex DB

Smart Client

  • [RST-1950] – Can’t add specific featuere ID to a view filter
  • [RST-2004] – smart client crash, production environment
  • [RST-2016] – Why do I see all sub feature types from other feature types and domains?
  • [RST-2045] – Right clicking and choosing “close all but this” on a map tab does not work
  • [RST-2079] – Chart template crashes client
  • [RST-2112] – “Incorrect” referencing of the headingface scetch results in incomprehensible rotation
  • [RST-1965] – When a user is removed from an AD synch, the user is not removed from the groups
  • [RST-2133] – Scroll wheel not working in Export definition
  • [RST-2134] – Opens the first log opened, not the one I do open
  • [RST-2155] – Smart Client crash while opening chart from map
  • [RST-2194] – null reference exception on creating missing classifications
  • [RST-2221] – Drop features of type container on charts with fixed feature type [MR 01]
  • [RST-2227] – Is it possible to remove this warning when adding a WMS? [MR 01]
  • [RST-1995] – Chart PI diagram Labels Font size to be configurable
  • [RST-2021] – Data domain picker, Show data domain path in the tool tip
  • [RST-2055] – Job viewer window gets pager control and uses the “ElementsPerPage” setting of smart client
  • [RST-2062] – FeatureService.GetFeatureLinkedPresentations
  • [RST-2102] – When aborting approval workflow…
  • [RST-2131] – Possibility to assign multiple Feature type privilege once
  • [RST-2132] – Service reminder possibiliy in redbex from admin to user
  • [RST-1672] – Create popup when moving a feature to a new platform
  • [RST-1973] – Import and export data by matching GUID instead of feature name
  • [RST-1974] – Possibility to import and export multi-select attributes

Modular updates

  • [RST-2186] – Change in Report 0018 (A26 Geological heading face,


    No changes

Symbol key

Fixed software defect, New funcationality, Minor enhanement, improved funcationality,   Removed funcationality,  Breaking change or customer action needed.
MR mean Maintenance Release