Data in Redbex is organized into domains. In simple words domain is like a real world project, which has a name, description, optional location area and any number of other customisable properties you might need, like project manager, or address of head office.
However Redbex domain is more than that. It contains all information, that everyday users can start working with Redbex easily without any additional configurations. This means, that you can predefined available charts, map views, reports, already prepared specifically for this project. Therefore users will only see things that they really need.
Domains can have subdomains, so that you can organize the structure of your project in the most convenient manner.
Preselected chart, map, report and axis section drawing templates specifically prepared for your project. I.e. if users switch between domains, they will immediately get all the information they need.
A tunnel profile probably makes little sense in a surface water surveillance project. With domains you can effectively limit the number of available feature and sensor types.
Import and export processes will normally vary in different projects. You can assign only those that are really useful for your specific project.
Imagine you have a feature to observe geology in two different projects, one of them located in the north of Sweden and the other one in South Africa. When you need to pick “rock type” from a drop down, the possibility is high, that many options will make sense for only one of these projects. Available options can be easily configured with domains.