Database Version:
Application Server Version: 1.37.*.*
Smart Client Version 1.37*.*
New Features
- Multilingual data concept
- Multilingual grouping paths, new Language Picker control
- Feature type editor
- Custom Path for feature types
- Custom feature type grouping path
- Spreadsheet Editor
- Import types and Export Types can be bound to licenses
- Smart Client: Selection of Import Types and Export types from Dropdown
- Italian Lanugage
- License
- Enhanced feature creation window
- Possibility to define location of feature on creation
- User list export type (XSLX)
- Default axis points on creation of new axis
- Automatic License update on Application Server start-up
- Performance enhancements on Geometry Editor
- Bug fixes
- Axis section drawing: Missing ticks before first section
- User creation: Authentication type setting was not respected
- User creation: Import from text file was not working correctly
Bug fixes
- Axis section drawing: Missing ticks before first section
- User creation: Authentication type setting was not respected
- User creation: Import from text file was not working correctly
- Solved problems with proxy servers and map views when in some network configurations