In Redbex all data that you observe is stored in a generic format. This opens limitless possibilities for data analysis, processing and presentation.
Many features in Redbex have numeric properties. E.g. a 3D measurement point records its X-position, while a geological mapping feature records round length. The feature type or the meaning of the numeric is completely irrelevant for further evaluation. E.g. you can generate a time-value chart both for X-position and round length and for any other numeric field of any other feature type.
The same is true for all other evaluations in Redbex, including (but not limited to) charts, maps, axis section drawings, and Excel exports.
No need for highly customized evaluations anymore. You can analyze any data with available chart, maps, axis section drawings and much more.
Whatever custom data you have, user interfaces will automatically adapt to it and show it in the best way possible. E.g. 3D measurement point data will be displayed as a table, while a geological mapping documentation as a form. Of course you can always change this manually if you need to.