This series of training videos will quickly get you going with Redbex. You will learn the main concepts of the system, how to create data, modify it and perform complex data analysis. These videos will tell you how to enforce quality control and present your data graphically on charts and maps.
- Lesson 1: Create features
- Lesson 2: Organize features in views
- Lesson 3: Editing features, observations and associated data
- Lesson 4: Domain and domain context
- Lesson 5: Feature relations
- Lesson 6: Defining geometries
- Lesson 7: Start page
- Lesson 8: Jobs and job management
- Lesson 9: Charts
- Lesson 10: Map views
- Lesson 11: Spatial systems
- Lesson 12: Import
- Lesson 13: Working with associated data
- Lesson 14: Observation spying
Lesson 15: Data Export
Lesson 1: Create features
In this session we show how you can manually create new features. Doing so we will explore some of the basic concepts of Redbex. Note that features can also be created by import jobs, however this is not discussed in this session.
Lesson 2: Organize features in views
Just like folders are used in file systems to organize files, Views are used in Redbex to organize Features. However Views are much more versatile than file system folders and give you plenty of possibilities to build up a structure that best fits your organizational needs. In this training session we will learn how to create views to structure features and will explore how you use views in your every day work with Redbex.
Lesson 3: Editing features, observations and associated data
In this session we show how you can actually display and modify feature data. We will take a closer look at the Feature Editor window and the Associated Data window and we will see how we can modify feature data and observation data. You will also see how you can adapt the user interface of the feature editor to your needs.
Lesson 4: Domains and domain context
Domain is one of the central terms in Redbex. Understanding what a domain is and being able to work with the data associated to a domain is therefore key to configure and use the the Redbex System efficiently.
Lesson 5: Feature relations
Feature relations are a mighty tool to structure data in Redbex, they can be used to model natural relations between objects and are also helpful for minimizing the configuration works. This session will shown how you can work with feature relations for feature type classes Group and Platform.
Lesson 6: Defining geometries
In this Training Session we show how the geometrical information for features and observations can be modified using a Map view.
Lesson 7: Start page
The Redbex Start Page gives the user general information from within and without the redbex system and shows the information right after starting the client at a glance.
Lesson 8: Jobs and job management
In Redbex Jobs are used for running Background Tasks that need a long time to execute or shall be executed repeatedly at specific points in time. Examples are: Importing data from file, generating reports, running observation plan checks and others more.
Lesson 9: Charts
Charting in one of the presentation possibilities provided by Redbex. Redbex supports some fundamental chart types that can be adjusted to generate charts according to the user’s requirements. The definition of chart templates is similar for all chart chart types. In this session we will mainly focus on the Time-Value chart. By explaining the basic concepts of this chart type users will be able to explore other chart types themselves.
Lesson 10: Map views
The map view allows the map-like graphical presentation of features and observations. It visualizes feature data and observation data using the stored spatial data on an abstraction of the Earth’s surface.
Lesson 11: Spatial systems
This session concentrates on Spatial Data. In Redbex Features and Observations can be located using different Spatial Systems. Creating and modifying spatial reference systems as well as using those reference systems in Features and Observations is discussed in this training.
Lesson 12: Import
Redbex provides the possibility to read data from text files offeres a highly customizable import type. This video will demonstrate how to configer the generic import in Redbex.
Lesson 13: Working with associated data
This video shows how you can effectively work with Associated Data in Redbex.
Lesson 14: Observation spying
Observation Spying means monitoring observations of features and perform actions if specific conditions are met.
Lesson 15: Data Export
See how to use the export functionality to export feature and observation data.